The delicious, aromatic forest honey is the best-known honeydew honey and can come from both deciduous and coniferous trees. The content of minerals and enzymes is usually particularly high. An absolutely unmistakable feature is its very dark color. Our nectaflor forest honey comes from the valuable honeydew of deciduous and coniferous trees in the extensive forests of Latin America and Europe and is carefully processed in Switzerland. In contrast to the lovely blossom honeys, it is characterized by an intense, strong and tart-spicy taste.
100% natural Honeydew Honey
Delicious, intense, strong and tart-spicy taste, full-bodied, forest aroma. Darker color.
يُخزَن في درجة حرارة الغرفة (حوالي ٢٠ درجة مئوية)
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Narimpex Ltd. Switzerland