Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), also known as false acacia, belongs to the botanical legume family. The acacia grows in different parts of Europe and Asia. nectaflor acacia honey comes from the nectar of wonderfully fragrant acacia blossoms from undulating acacia groves in Eastern Europe. Carefully processed in Switzerland. It is characterized by its very light, almost transparent color and an extremely mild, lovely fruity and sweet aroma.
100% natural mono-floral Acacia Honey
لذيذ، غني, برائحة حلوة وزهورية. لون بني ذهبي
يُخزَن في درجة حرارة الغرفة (حوالي ٢٠ درجة مئوية)
ليس مناسبا للأطفال أقل من ٣ سنوات
Narimpex Ltd. Switzerland